Welcome to your new WHITE SMILE!


Welcome to your new WHITE SMILE!

Our amazing 21-day diary will help you going to the full 21 days! Please logg-in daily to comment!

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Recent Posts

To show the recent posts is just one thing you can use this tabbed section for. There are many more. It´s up to your creativity.

About this Theme

The first version of this theme back in January 2008 was inspired by the great magazine style themes of Brian Gardner and Darren Hoyt. I took those elements that I liked the most in every theme and combined them together in one single theme. The different page templates are inspired by Brian Gardners "Revolution" theme, other elements are taken from "Mimbo" by Darren Hoyt. The Tabbed section is created by using jQuery ui.tabs by Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de).

The Name of the theme was inspired by the famous American jazz sax-player, Branford Marsalis. Although I´m German, I decided to present this theme in english in order to make it available for a greater audience.

If you detect any bugs, please let me know. If you use this theme, please let me also know and make sure the copyright remains as it is.

Find further information, tutorials, support forum, demo and download on my Website.

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